Sunday, May 30, 2010

Long overdue update

Originally uploaded by my terrific twosome
Man has our garden been growing! We have learned a few things in the 3 months since we started this project:

*cucumbers are insane, very bossy, and are trying for total garden domination
*zucchini have leaves that belong in dinosaur land
*I don't use that much basil when I'm cooking
*tomatoes take a really long time to turn red
*it takes a lot of water to keep this going, especially as it gets hotter

We have pulled out the basil plant since I never used any of it and Ryan planted corn seeds. Those have shot up over night. It is so fun to see what is ready to be picked each morning when we go out to water.

Here's what we've harvested so far:
*7 zucchini
*5 cherry tomatoes
*2 green beans

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

How does your garden grow??

Ours is growing HUGE!! We are amazed at how well things have taken off and what has grown vs. what hasn't. Here's a little update about what is going on in the garden...

The strawberries seem to have bounced back. I'll be interested to see if they get any bigger this time around.

The sweet basil is on it's way out. We just don't use that much basil and Ryan needs room to grow corn.

See the carrots there?? They're slowly making their way up.
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